Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Evaluation-Still Image Photo

SHOT 9. This shot shows me in a long-mid shot because it shows half of my body. We used it well and it portrayed me really well because I'm walking out. The angle of the shot was taken the same level to show me as a normal person exiting a door.

SHOT 8. This shot is an over the shoulder that includes me and Katie and shows me walking away waving. The angle of this shot is taken from our size because it's not saying someone is superior over anyone else and the audience will relate with it because they will understand it. This could be changed by the type of angle but we portrayed it well and understandable.

SHOT 7. This shot shows me and Katie talkng in a conversation and is a over the shoulder. Its effective because it shows were having a conversation and the audience will understand it because were standing towards each other. Overall we are happy with this shot.

SHOT 6. This shot is a medium long shot because it shows all our body away from the camera. It is also a two shot because there's two people in the photo. The angle of the shot is taken beneath us which can mean that that we are superior or important. Overall we were happy with this shot because were in the correct position and looks presentable. I dont think there is much to improve in this photo.

SHOT 5. This shot is another tracking shot that shows me walking up the stairs. It can also be seen as a long shot because it shows my whole body away. The angle of the shot seems good as we took the photo accuratly. Overall we are happy with this shot.

SHOT 4. This shot is a close up of me walking up the stairs showing only my feet. The angle of the shot is taken from the ground which can mean that I am superior or really special.

SHOT3 . This is the third shot which is a tracking shot of me walking in my journey. The angle of the shot seems to come level with me. Overall we are happy with this shot because it looks realisitc.

SHOT 2.This is the 2nd one taken at an over shoulder of me starting my journey. Alternatievly we could have included my whole body in the shot howevewr it would not look approiate as it is an over the shoulder shot. The angle of the framing of the shot seems of come out correct as I was in the middle of the photo. I postioned in myself in the centre of the photo as we planned. Overall we are happy with this shot as it is clear and presentable.

Friday 18 September 2009

Do the Right Thing Storyline

Do the right thing is a film about a community living on a street mainly from African-American background set in Brooklyn and shows their everyday lives of their experience during a heat wave.
The film starts of with a song called "Fight the power" by Public Enemy a song that talks about black people fighting back against the racism and struggle

A man named Mookie works in an Italian pizza resturant. A man named Buggin Out causes trouble when commanding the owner of the resurant to put picturews of positive black men up as he only put white men up.

A riot breaks out and some of the neighbourhood turn against the Italian man and soon the police come and strangle a man named Radio Head to death by accident which leads to a even bigger riot and violence on the street.

The movie ends with two famous speeches by civil right leaders Martin Luther King and Malcom X. Both the speeches are based on the film during the fight. Martin Luther King speech says that violence is never the answer while Malcom X speech says violence used as self defense isn't violence but 'Self Defence'



Skins is a teen drama that follows a group of teenagers living in the english city Bristol looking at their everyday life. The programme deals with sex, stress, absent parents, relationships, parties, sexualaities etc.

.The colour design used are very colourful and the theme is a happy type. This could be because the charcters are always dressed in colourful costumes which is a common Bristol stereotype aswell as the type of theme which is very cheesy.

.The location is in Bristol- some setting are- houses, school and playgrounds.

.Over the shadow when two people are speaking.
.Medium shot is used in a group discussion.
.Close up when an facial expression is shown.

The characters are Effy, Pandora, Moon, James,Freddie,JJ,Naomi,Emily,Katie and Thomas.
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