Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Monday 29 March 2010


As we were editing our opening sequence, we constantly asked for feedback to make sure that our film was on point. For example the effect of the font of our title as it was to big or to small. We wanted it to be bold and in red capital letters as the colour connotes that there is blood and crime involved in this film, which creates seriousness. In order to ensure this effect was achieved, we asked for feedback. Also during the process of making the titles for our statistics, we were advised to show each fact separately so it is more pleasing to the audience's eye and make them want to read it, as it play an important role in the narrative. To solve this we used transition effects to display each fact separated as this enables the audience to easily see what is on the screen rather than a huge amount of writing we started off with before.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Granted call sheet


Production Title: Granted Production Group: Akin, Dhara and Astijus
Date: 1.12.09 Location: Upney Station
Shoot Start Time: 7:30 am Wrap Time:5 pm

Actor(s) Character Call Time Contact Details
Iman Shafi Gangster 8:00am 07983888973
Edward Obeng Gangster 8:00am 07506149364 07904106003
Matthew Parlett Gangster 8:00am 07853959921

Name Production Role Call Time Contact Details
Dhara Syal Director 7am 07949151958
Astijus Kazlauskas Camera 7am 07533873775
Akin Smith Sound 7am 02085932720

We decided to get our characters numbers as we wanted to be ready and prepared just in case they came late which they did.

Support Staff Contact Details Location
Miss Bundy Media Studio/ Editing Suite
Ms Nair Media Classroom/Media Office
Ms Thiara Media Classroom/Media Office

We took down our support staff just in case we needed them just in case of an emergency or needed to tell them something quickly.