Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Thursday 26 November 2009

Cast & Props List


Iman Shafi
Edward Obeng
Matthew Parlett


Alcohol bottle
Packet of cigarettes

Storyboard 3

This was our final storyboard that I and my group finished. It was the best and better detailed than our previous and includes everything seen in our opening sequence.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Character Profile 2

Name: Nicholas Smith

Nickname: Big Jon

Age: 22

Date of birth: 22.01.1987

Gender: Male

Current Adress: 42 Boxley Street, West Silvertown, E15 4nf

1 younger brother

Health Status: Healthy

Lives With: Gang Members

Personality: Never gives up, Risk Taker

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rat

Ethic Background: Black British


Character Profile 1

Name: Trey Smith
Nickname: Tee Dog

Age: 20

Date of birth: 10.08.1989

Place of birth: Barking Hospital, London

Gender: Male

Current Adress: 1 Barge house road, North Woolwich E16 3nx

1 Older Brother

Health Status: Healthy

Personality: Tough

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Chinese Zodiac sign: Monkey

Lives on his own


Ethic Background:Black British

Storyboard 2

This was our new ideas first storyboard. This features some of the cuts and shots you see in our opening sequence of 'Granted. However we changed it as the pictures were not good clear enough.

Storyboard 1

This was the first storyboard that we did. In included our first idea in in which we actually showed the characters, but then we changed our idea and so therfore changed our storyboard

Location Reece

Photostory Board


Wednesday 18 November 2009

How to set up a Cannon XHA1 and Windsheild System

Cannon XHA1

1. Put up the tripod, loose the screw at the bottom & middle and make it stand.
2. Put the camera on top of the tripod and click it together so it doesn't drop.
3. Put the battery inside then turn it to 'A'.
4. Insert the tape.
5. Take of camera lens and open view finder.
6. Then you press the record button by the side.

Windsheild System

1. Take the microphone and attach the both ends
2. Get the microphone holder and insert the microphone in the windshield and secure it.
3. Connect the microphone
4. Close the windshield
5. Connect the wire to the microphone
6. When done, get the Boom Stick and screw on you windshield with you microphone.
7. You then choose what level will suit you and set it up to that.
8. Connect the wire to the camera 'Channel 1' socket
10. Plug in the headphones and then listen.

Tuesday 10 November 2009



Genre: Crime drama

Tag line:
2 carry guns, 1 serves time.

Two brothers separated from young age end up living two different lives. Young CID agent Trey Smith sent on a mission to catch the most wanted gang around the U.K named “The D.R.D” (Dirt road diggers). The mission is achieved but lost in a brother hood.


Undercover C.I.D agent is on a mission. He pretends to be new to the country and rents out a room with gangsters. He gains their trust and assists the gang in crimes.

Suspicion starts to arise as “Tee Dog” (C.I.D agent) never lets any of the gang members into the room. Many incidents before Tee Dog take time to open the door. Big Jon (gang leader) starts being suspicious about “Tee Dog’s” behaviour and ends up following him one morning. He sees him meeting other agents and overhears them discussing the information. Big Jon is extremely furious.

Gang leader shoots the C.I.D agent in his sleep. Then the HQ tries to contact him but they cannot get through to him and sense something is wrong. The SWAT team raids the gangster’s apartment and they all get arrested. In court, the leader is found guilty of murder and committing various other crimes. But he also finds out that the agent he killed was his long lost brother as the Judge mentions it in his final statement.

Granted lyrics with annotations

Sunday 8 November 2009

Four Brothers- Film 3

The opening sequence establishes key generic codes & conventions because a small boy commits crime after stealing a sweet and gets caught by a elderly woman who tells the shopkeeper to pretend to call the police and then a gang of armed men enter robbing and shooting the elderly woman and the shopkeeper with the small boy leaving before the incident. These are key generic codes & conventions because mostly all crime dramas begin their films by telling a tragic story about an incident that reflects on one of the characters life. This would reflect on the small boys life due to he was taught not to steal then moments after armed robbers stole and killed from the shop.

The opening sequence of the film met my expectations of a typical crime drama film because it began with a past story. This story was the elderly woman teaching the young boy not to steal and then seconds later she was shot by robbers. These met my expectations due to crime dramas are about stories and the story which seemed to have ended good ended bad. It also met my expectations because I will expect someone to die while watching becauae cirme dramas do so.

The clue that is given about the narrative is the shooting and teaching to the young boy. The shooting is a clue because it shows that crime will have a part in the film and the teaching to the young boy is a clue because he would remember the woman teaching him not to steal, and then her being shot because of theifs which may mean he could feature in the film later on perhaps searching for the suspects.

The first characters we see in the film which are the young boy, elderly woman and the shopkeeper do not follow the typical characters of the genre because crime dramas don't usually talk about the life of a elderly woman neither show a young boy or a shopkeeper. This is because the target audience which are males aged between 15-50's wouldn't find these types of people interesting but the second charcters who are the armed robbers do follow the typical feature of crime dramas because crime dramas tend to use criminals as they appeal to the target audience and they are about crime so it's sensible to use characters like armed robbers.

The characters apart from the robbers who are represented as antaginist are represented in a good way during the sequence especially the woman who is a protaginast for teaching the young boy right from wrong because, if it wasn't for her the young boy could have continued and been like the armed robbers in the future. The setting is represented as dull and very dark. This could suggest that the people living in the area are bored/caged in a bad location and the location is dark in the sense that the people do not care about one another. The woman, boy and robbers follow the genre convention of how they are represented because most crime dramas have a character who is a protagonist and have died which is the woman, a character who has changed which is the boy and then the antaginists who are the armed robbers.

The soundtrack that is used in the opening is a song by Jefferson Airplane called 'Somebody to love'. The song reflects the genre because is says 'don't you want somebody to love' which could be a question to the criminals due to they are heartless for killing two innocent victims. However the Contrapuntal sound isn't a song that the audience will be expecting to hear in the film because it's a pop song. The audience would have expected an hiphop due to its characters or personal life story song due to the narrative.

I believe the title 'Four Brothers' is used as the woman who was killed has four sons and are probably going to go searching for the killers. I believe the title reflects the genre because crime dramas deal with life issues and the title four brothers could mean somehting relating to a family.

Saturday 7 November 2009

Boyz in the Hood- Film 2

The opening sequence establishes key generic codes & conventions with it's location. This is because the location is set in an inner city where it looks like poverty is present and crime is active. I know this because of how dirty the streets are and the police lines around. This means that the location is an important part of establishing key generic codes and conventions so that the audience keep watching because if a location that wasn't bad looking was chosen the whole narrative would look wrong and definatly not match the key codes and conventions.

The sequence meets my expectations of a typical crime drama film because it starts of with an OF SCREEN of a group of men arguing and one goes back to shoot a man to death with writing on the screen that assumes to be a fact. These men are represented as gangsters because of the way they are talking and because someone gets shot which meets my expectations because I expect these things to happen in a crime drama film especially due to the way the film started.

Throughout the opening sequence three clues are given about the narrative. The first one is the group of men arguing with someone getting shot to death. This gives a clue about the narrative because it's the first thing that happends which suggest the film will have something to do with crime in particular murder. The second is the piece of writing that says 'One in every twenty one black american males will die in their lifetime shot by another black man'. This is a clue about the narrative because the audience will know that crime will be involved in the film otherwise they would not of put it up and race will have a part otherwise they would have just put the murder part. It could also suggest that murder in ethnic communities will be involved because of the statistic of black on black violence as well as stereotypicall views. The third clue is the zoom of the stop sign on a red background in which a zoom is taken moving closer to the sign. This could suggest that the film is trying to get black males to stop the crime real soon due to it moves closer to the sign suggesting more and more will die unless they stop. The red background could suggest blood of the victims meaning death, anger and hatred

The characters at the beggining of the opening sequence do not follow the typical feature of charcters in crime dramas because they are young children and young children are not typical crime drama charcters. However many crime drama films tell a life story in which Boyz n the Hood does and starts of with small characters becoming adults as time goes on in the film. Also there is a non-digetic of a young boy saying 'They shot my brother' which will make the audience feel sympathy for him due to it's a young child and the victim is his brother. This is a typical feature in crime dramas because relatives are mostly involved.

The characters and location are represented as dangerous during the sequence. This is because it suggest that the people in that area will kill you for a useless reason due to the characters being shot. The dialogue used as well as their dialect also represents the characters as dangerous because of the bad words they say and their voice is in a angry tone showing a bad side to them. The area is represented as dangerous because people get murdered there regulary whixh is expected to make the location realistic. They follow crime drama convention because characters from crime dramas tend to be dangerous people from poor ghetto places.

The title 'Boyz n the Hood' reflects the genre because is means that the charcters are situated in a ghetto area. I know this as the word hood means a ghetto with a high black population in America. This will attract the target audience because they aim for teenagers-young adults who speak slang the most.

Task 2 GoodFellas Film 1

The opening sequence of Goodfellas establishes key generic of codes and conventions because it shows the gangsters, areas and music which are common codes and conventions. They show key codes & conventions because many crime dramas introduce their main characters during the opening and use soundtrack that was usually played during that particular time which is important as the audience will guess the correct year. The setting establishes key codes & conventions because many crime dramas are set in poor inner cities which will make the film realistic because they are using locations that their audience will expect to see in such a crime related film.

The sequence meets my expectations of a typical opening sequence of crime dramas because it uses the main character as the narrator and shows the location and year the film is based in. This meets my expectations of a typical crime drama because most crime dramas use their characters to narrate and so tell the audience about their life and how they got involved in crime. This will make the audience understand the character much better because he is the one narrating the story and so will listen to him very carefully. The year and location also is a typical use for a opening of a crime drama because the director wants the audience to know where the film is based so that it can look realistic especially if it's in a poor location and a year that had lots of povety so we can know what else was going on around that time and picture it along with the film.

During the opening sequence clues are given about the narrative, for example Henry meeting and starting to work with the gangsters is a clue as it can suggest that he may sooner join them and his voice over are clues that he later would of joined them because he started working with them and they even threathed the post man not to post letters to Henrys house, and during his voice over he mentions he has always wanted to be a gangster and he even misses school which shows that he is determined to be part of them. These clues make the audience want to watch on to see if they happen, and if not, what happens.

The charcters follow the typical features of crime dramas because of their costumes and props. Their costumes and props represent them as gangsters because they are wearing suits, shiny shoes and hats which crime drama gangsters tend to follow particually in those days to tell the audience who they are. This represents them as gangsters because in those days men who didn't have jobs but yet wear expenisve costumes were gangsters. The props they carry are cigars which could suggest that they don't care about their health and represents them as gangsters because gangsters tend to smoke with cigars especially during the year it was set. It could also represent thier wealth in which they get by doing criminal activities like drug dealing and theft.

The film opens with non- digetic(theme)'Rags to riches' a song which was famously played during the time of the film in 1955. The song reflects with the genre because it's called rags to riches which could suggest that the characters are poor and are going into a life of riches with all their money they are making through crime which many crime dramas do to show that the gangsters want to make money.

The title of the film used is to show that the gangsters are good guys, fellas a word used to describe men in slang. This reflects the genre because the men are seen as good to themselves aswell as Henry and may refer to themselves as fellas which could show they're street guys because they use slang.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Genre Research

1. The target audiences for crime drama films are teenagers and adults. This is because teenagers and adults will understand the genre much better than children and will enjoy it a lot better. People who are also interested in films with police and lifestories of criminals are also target audiecnes for crime dramas because many crime dramas deal and show these things happening. Males are the gender that they appeal to the most because it's mostly males that play the charcters.

2. The narrative of many crime dramas are where something bad happens in the beggining and the characters try to deal with it. These are mostly problems like drug dealing, robbery, murder, racism, poverty and conflict. Characters in crime dramas are always police, gangsters, judges, spys and detectives. The settings in crime drams are mostly in urban and big cities but poorer parts to show the effect on the gangsters. films like Goodfellas and Boyz in the hood are based in big cities. Opening sequences of most crime dramas start with the introduction of the gangsters or the people influenced by crime for example Goodfellas begins with telling the life of Henry with his voice over. The effect it has on the audience is that they are understanding the lifestyle of the charcters and knowing their everyday struggles. The cinematography of crime dramas mostly include close ups when someone is ready to do something bad so we can see their feeling and red lighting if someone is about to be killed.

3. The most famous director and actor associated with crime dramas are Martin Scorsese and actor Robert DeNiro. Both of them are probably the most known director and actor that are known for doing the genre. Others are Matt Damon, Al Pacino, Marlon Brando and Jodie Foster.

Treatment- Granted

Genre: Crime/Drama Equilibrium:

Undercover C.I.D agent is on a mission. He pretends to be new to the country and rents out a room with gangsters. He gains their trust.

Disruption: The leader of the gang finds out his real identity.

Resolution: Gang leader shoots the C.I.D agent in his sleep. Then the HQ tries to contact him but they cannot get through to him and sense something is wrong. The SWAT team raids the gangster’s apartment and they all get arrested. In court, the leader is found guilty of murder and committing various other crimes. But he also finds out that the agent he killed was his long lost brother as the Judge mentions it in his final statement.

Main character = CID agent = BABATUNDE -Trey Smith
Leader of gang = Big John – Nicholas Smith
Gangster 1 = Vic - Steven
Gangster 2 = Frankie - Liborio
Gangster 3 = Sonny Black - Al
Gangster 4 = Zeke - Antonio
Gangster 5 = Lilo - Louis

Chillin :
“Stack up your funds like a million bucksAcross the pond, they all know usInternational... Whoaaaa!Driving my car to a foreign place”

Paper Planes:
“Sticks and stones and weed and bongsRunning when we hit 'emLethal poison through their system!