Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Saturday 7 November 2009

Boyz in the Hood- Film 2

The opening sequence establishes key generic codes & conventions with it's location. This is because the location is set in an inner city where it looks like poverty is present and crime is active. I know this because of how dirty the streets are and the police lines around. This means that the location is an important part of establishing key generic codes and conventions so that the audience keep watching because if a location that wasn't bad looking was chosen the whole narrative would look wrong and definatly not match the key codes and conventions.

The sequence meets my expectations of a typical crime drama film because it starts of with an OF SCREEN of a group of men arguing and one goes back to shoot a man to death with writing on the screen that assumes to be a fact. These men are represented as gangsters because of the way they are talking and because someone gets shot which meets my expectations because I expect these things to happen in a crime drama film especially due to the way the film started.

Throughout the opening sequence three clues are given about the narrative. The first one is the group of men arguing with someone getting shot to death. This gives a clue about the narrative because it's the first thing that happends which suggest the film will have something to do with crime in particular murder. The second is the piece of writing that says 'One in every twenty one black american males will die in their lifetime shot by another black man'. This is a clue about the narrative because the audience will know that crime will be involved in the film otherwise they would not of put it up and race will have a part otherwise they would have just put the murder part. It could also suggest that murder in ethnic communities will be involved because of the statistic of black on black violence as well as stereotypicall views. The third clue is the zoom of the stop sign on a red background in which a zoom is taken moving closer to the sign. This could suggest that the film is trying to get black males to stop the crime real soon due to it moves closer to the sign suggesting more and more will die unless they stop. The red background could suggest blood of the victims meaning death, anger and hatred

The characters at the beggining of the opening sequence do not follow the typical feature of charcters in crime dramas because they are young children and young children are not typical crime drama charcters. However many crime drama films tell a life story in which Boyz n the Hood does and starts of with small characters becoming adults as time goes on in the film. Also there is a non-digetic of a young boy saying 'They shot my brother' which will make the audience feel sympathy for him due to it's a young child and the victim is his brother. This is a typical feature in crime dramas because relatives are mostly involved.

The characters and location are represented as dangerous during the sequence. This is because it suggest that the people in that area will kill you for a useless reason due to the characters being shot. The dialogue used as well as their dialect also represents the characters as dangerous because of the bad words they say and their voice is in a angry tone showing a bad side to them. The area is represented as dangerous because people get murdered there regulary whixh is expected to make the location realistic. They follow crime drama convention because characters from crime dramas tend to be dangerous people from poor ghetto places.

The title 'Boyz n the Hood' reflects the genre because is means that the charcters are situated in a ghetto area. I know this as the word hood means a ghetto with a high black population in America. This will attract the target audience because they aim for teenagers-young adults who speak slang the most.

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