Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Thursday 5 November 2009

Genre Research

1. The target audiences for crime drama films are teenagers and adults. This is because teenagers and adults will understand the genre much better than children and will enjoy it a lot better. People who are also interested in films with police and lifestories of criminals are also target audiecnes for crime dramas because many crime dramas deal and show these things happening. Males are the gender that they appeal to the most because it's mostly males that play the charcters.

2. The narrative of many crime dramas are where something bad happens in the beggining and the characters try to deal with it. These are mostly problems like drug dealing, robbery, murder, racism, poverty and conflict. Characters in crime dramas are always police, gangsters, judges, spys and detectives. The settings in crime drams are mostly in urban and big cities but poorer parts to show the effect on the gangsters. films like Goodfellas and Boyz in the hood are based in big cities. Opening sequences of most crime dramas start with the introduction of the gangsters or the people influenced by crime for example Goodfellas begins with telling the life of Henry with his voice over. The effect it has on the audience is that they are understanding the lifestyle of the charcters and knowing their everyday struggles. The cinematography of crime dramas mostly include close ups when someone is ready to do something bad so we can see their feeling and red lighting if someone is about to be killed.

3. The most famous director and actor associated with crime dramas are Martin Scorsese and actor Robert DeNiro. Both of them are probably the most known director and actor that are known for doing the genre. Others are Matt Damon, Al Pacino, Marlon Brando and Jodie Foster.

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