Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Sunday 8 November 2009

Four Brothers- Film 3

The opening sequence establishes key generic codes & conventions because a small boy commits crime after stealing a sweet and gets caught by a elderly woman who tells the shopkeeper to pretend to call the police and then a gang of armed men enter robbing and shooting the elderly woman and the shopkeeper with the small boy leaving before the incident. These are key generic codes & conventions because mostly all crime dramas begin their films by telling a tragic story about an incident that reflects on one of the characters life. This would reflect on the small boys life due to he was taught not to steal then moments after armed robbers stole and killed from the shop.

The opening sequence of the film met my expectations of a typical crime drama film because it began with a past story. This story was the elderly woman teaching the young boy not to steal and then seconds later she was shot by robbers. These met my expectations due to crime dramas are about stories and the story which seemed to have ended good ended bad. It also met my expectations because I will expect someone to die while watching becauae cirme dramas do so.

The clue that is given about the narrative is the shooting and teaching to the young boy. The shooting is a clue because it shows that crime will have a part in the film and the teaching to the young boy is a clue because he would remember the woman teaching him not to steal, and then her being shot because of theifs which may mean he could feature in the film later on perhaps searching for the suspects.

The first characters we see in the film which are the young boy, elderly woman and the shopkeeper do not follow the typical characters of the genre because crime dramas don't usually talk about the life of a elderly woman neither show a young boy or a shopkeeper. This is because the target audience which are males aged between 15-50's wouldn't find these types of people interesting but the second charcters who are the armed robbers do follow the typical feature of crime dramas because crime dramas tend to use criminals as they appeal to the target audience and they are about crime so it's sensible to use characters like armed robbers.

The characters apart from the robbers who are represented as antaginist are represented in a good way during the sequence especially the woman who is a protaginast for teaching the young boy right from wrong because, if it wasn't for her the young boy could have continued and been like the armed robbers in the future. The setting is represented as dull and very dark. This could suggest that the people living in the area are bored/caged in a bad location and the location is dark in the sense that the people do not care about one another. The woman, boy and robbers follow the genre convention of how they are represented because most crime dramas have a character who is a protagonist and have died which is the woman, a character who has changed which is the boy and then the antaginists who are the armed robbers.

The soundtrack that is used in the opening is a song by Jefferson Airplane called 'Somebody to love'. The song reflects the genre because is says 'don't you want somebody to love' which could be a question to the criminals due to they are heartless for killing two innocent victims. However the Contrapuntal sound isn't a song that the audience will be expecting to hear in the film because it's a pop song. The audience would have expected an hiphop due to its characters or personal life story song due to the narrative.

I believe the title 'Four Brothers' is used as the woman who was killed has four sons and are probably going to go searching for the killers. I believe the title reflects the genre because crime dramas deal with life issues and the title four brothers could mean somehting relating to a family.

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