Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Analogue and Digital Filming

Analogue Video

*Many equipment meaning more staff to help.

*Longer to ship to cinema.

*More staff meaning more ideas.

*People would be able to relate with situations.

Digital Video

.Edit images without any degradation in quality.
.Data transmitted to cinemas via satellite or fibre-optic cables.
.Just a simple camera to film.
.Less staff meaning less organised.

So far the digital film industry has had great success within the independent industry because the independent industry can not afford too much equipment to use due to lack of money.

Overall I believe that digital filming and camera is much better than Analogue because it's much more straight forward and easier. This will make it easier for the staff and so motivates them to work their best. With Analogue you have to go through so many processes to get to the end while with digital the processes are much quicker. Another reason why I prefer Digital is because you can add effects to the film which will make it more fascinating and preferable to watch rather than a normal film due to you expect a lot more things to come from the digital one.

However Analogue has produced many great names like 'Bugsy Malone' and 'Mary Poppins' and people argue that using Anagloue is more traditional and professional. Many are even tying to bring it back saying teenagers are getting carried away with blockbuster digital films, but for me I prefer it because it's more interesting and I will obviously rather spend my money on a film I like than one I don't. Also the great names that have used analogue filming they are old films and time has gone on with new things to use to make out films look more attractive.

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