Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Friday 23 October 2009

Review of film Badlands

On Thursday 22nd of October our media class went to Leicester Square to watch the classic film Badlands. The film was about a man aged 25 named Kit who meets a girl aged 15 named Holly in Texas and they fall in love. He then plans to move away with her but does it first by killing her father, burning the house and then recoding a message of him saying he and Holly had commitied suicide and the kills other people later on in the film. The police are in search of the two and later capture them. He is then put to death by the electric chair and she is put in jail for life.

I believe that the film was good because of the storyline. I found the storyline interesting because it was different to other storylines and the ending was unexpected. However the ending of the film wasn't as much interesting because it didn't have a proper meaning which made it dull and some of the acting was bad which made me lose focus at times.

I would of prefered the film to end showing Hollys future and what happends next in her life in a way that will make the audience picture the story in our heads.

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