Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Thursday 1 October 2009

Prelim Task script for other group

Antoinette is walking down the corridor. Walking towards Josh, who is in the classroom doing his coursework again listening to music.
Antoinette: (Walking down corridor) shot 1 “I hope I see Josh down here.” (Flirty)
Josh: (Working)
“This work is doing my brain in.” (Sighing) shot2.
Antoinette knocks on the door. Shot3
Josh: (Without looking up) shot4
“Come in?” (Rudely)
Antoinette: (Opening door)
(Walking into room)
“Oh, you have work!” (Shocked) shot5
Antoinette walks over to where Josh is sitting. Shot6
Josh: (Looking up)
“Yeah, don’t you? / have lots; / always seem to be doing work nowadays!” — (Angered)
“You want any help, I done mine ages ago?” shot7
Josh: (Eager)
“Yes please. Could you?” (Delighted) shot8
Antoinette: (Helpfully) shot8
“Yeah I have plenty of time, I would love to help.”
10 minutes past... shot9
Antoinette’s phone rings, (Dance class wanting to know where she is) shot10
Antoinette: (On Phone) - “Hello?” shot11
“Oh no, sorry Danielle, I completely forgot, / will be there in 5!”
Antoinette: (To Josh)
“Sorry, I have to go to dance class, See you soon, I hope you get your work
done!” shot12 Antoinette: (Leaves Room)

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