Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Mainstream and Independent Film Making

Kill Bill Vol 1-Action- Mainstream: Dir Quentin Tarantino

Bullet Boy- Crime Drama-Independent: Dir Saul Dibb

Similarities: .Both the films start with the casts names in the opening sequence.
.They both use a soundtrack that is parallel sound in the opening.

Differences: .Kill Bill is produced by a major film studio which is Miramax films while Bullet Boy is distributed by Verve Picture which is a independent studio.
.Kill Bill named every member of their production team while Bullet Boy does not.
.Kill Bill has much more effect.

The differences that I notice between an independent film opening and an mainstream film opening is that a mainstream opening always shows the film studio that produces it and an independent film doesn't always. This could be because the mainstream film wants its audience to know that the film they are watching is quality and from a well produced company which will keep the audience watching, while an independent film may not have been produced by a major studio and if it has, not by a popular or famous one.

Another difference that I realised is that a mainstream film names all the members from the production team while an independent film does not. This is could be because the mainstream film will have well known members of staff so the public would feel like they are going to watch a really good movie and the indie film may not so it wouldn't matter if they put it up because it would not make a difference.

Editing is a difference between the two because a mainstream film have fantastic effects and credits which makes the film attractive while indie films editing are simple which is because of the lack of money. Technology could also be a difference because mainstream films tend to use expensive and quality equipments. These are what make mainstream films look more exciting and interesting and one reason why they atrract larger audiences that indie films.

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