Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Thursday 17 December 2009

Evaluation-Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Choosing an audience for your film is a really important part if you want your film to be a success. This is because choosing your audience will enable you to know when, where, why & how they will watch it, while if you haven't chosen an audience there may be a problem because you wouldn't have an idea of what to expect. My group thought hard to think what audience would love our film and why.

Our Primary target audience will be
Age - 15-25

Interests - basketball, football, Urban music, teenage movies, 'cool'-modern clothes.

Gender - Male and Female

Ethnicity - Any race. Normal individuals living or understanding the gangster lifestyle.

Demographic - Working class teenagers/young adults and young adults who have lived or understands the lifestyle.
This is a view of a section of our target audience.

We chose this target audience because we feel it will have the biggest impact on them than any other group we can think of. This is because they live in a society nowadays where crime is very active, the soundtrack in the film covers the themes and the characters range from teenagers - young adult which is our target audience itself.
The age group was chosen because it's the ages that are likely to understand and relate with the film due to the location they live in and things that the age group do. The interests were chosen because most people that I know that will watch a film like 'Granted' live the certain lifestyle the characters live in Granted, and also because some of it is present in the film itself.
Both gender were chosen because both we understand and may live or live around that lifestyle. Both will also be interested in it as much as each other. Males are our bigger target because it is stereotypically mostly males we hear crime or being associated with it. Also males who don't watch crime drama (gangster) films are likely to be more interested than a female who doesn't.

Ethnicity will be all races because anyone from any race can relate or enjoy the film.
Other reasons could be that the characters in our opening sequence are different races meaning our audience will engage with that & the location in which are film is set and shown in our opening sequence is a multicultural area meaning our target audience can be from any race because we wouldn't set our film in a area with high levels of a ethnic group like 'Brixton' or 'Southall'. However stereotypically black people will be most likely to watch it due to stereotypically most live in working class families and listen to Urban music which is a aspect we want in our primary audience.

Working class people were chosen because we feel they are the ones that will understand our film best because they are likely to live in societies like the one in our film. Plus are opening sequence was set in a working/lower class area and our main characters are from a working/lower class.

Our secondary target audience will be females aged from 26-30 because they may find the film interesting and some will be pulled along with their boyfriends/husbands. Older adults could also be secondary target audiences because they may find the genre interesting or may have studied about gangs or crime in London so may want to watch a film based on a true story to help them out.

Apart from 'Granted' our target audience will be interested in watching action, thriller, horror and drama films due to their interests. Our film involves some of the main things you will see in these films like death, blood & personal stories because of the narrative similarities, which are similar to my product because some of the genres are put together. For instance crime drama is two genres put together which is drama and crime. Films that our target audience may have seen recently are 'GI Joe' and 'Sorority Row' and 'Shank' is a possible film they may see in the future.

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