Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Thursday 17 December 2009

Evaluation-Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Our opening sequence begins with an establishing shot of Barking, London in a rough poor looking environment with members of a gang in different shots standing and taking part in gang looking activities. We chose to start our film this way so that our audience will know that the film is a crime drama and to get them familiar with the location and themes that will be involved. This will attract our audience because they will be excited to see what will happen in the location and who the gangsters are.

The type of camera shots, angles & movements that our group used addresses our audience and aims to keep them interested. We aimed to do this by using the correct types of shots to keep them existed and engaged. These were close ups, medium shots, long shots, low angle, etc. One example was we used a close up of a police line(DO NOT CROSS) which will address are audience because they will be expecting to see it due to it's a gangster movie and it will keep them interested because they will be expecting someone in the film to die later.

Another camera shot that we used was a pan of the establishing location which we showed the houses, alleyway & train. The pan will address our audience because they will know that it is the location the gangsters live and the film we be set there. This will keep them interested as they will know that the location has a bad effect, which is getting influenced in gang culture on the people living in that area notably the gangsters. They may also feel sympathy for the gangsters living in the location especially for Nicholas who was separated from his brother at a young age and moved to the location in the establishing shot. This information will be given to them as the film goes on.

The angle of one of our shots will also address and attract our audience. This is the low angle shot when two of the characters are dealing drugs and the other is looking around for so no one sees. We chosen to do the low angle as we believed it will show another side of the gangsters which is their power. Our audience will be interested by it as it represents them as powerful, strong and untouchable due to the fact that they had not been caught. It will also address our audience due to they may have seen a similar type of Worm's eye view (low angle) shot from the front cover of the controversial gangster Hip-Hop album 'straight outta Compton' from 'N.W.A'. We believed this was a good idea because the majority of our target audience would have seen the picture and listened to their music. Although it is not a film the music in that album will be perfect parallel sound due to the genre.

The front cover of 'Straight outta Compton' next to our low angle shot. You can see where we got the idea from.

The editing that was used in our opening sequence will address and attract our target because it was really effective. One was a shot faded on saying 'Based on a true story'. This will attract them because they will take the film serious. Another was the wipe in which we showed London gang related statistics with the types of crimes in white and the numbers in red font but in a bigger size and with a black background in which was shown one after the other by transition. This will attract them because it suggests these crimes are in the film and are happening regularly. The fact that the numbers of victims are in red and in big sizes suggests that many people are dieing and affected. This will then tell our audience that the film is about crime which is good because that was one of our targets.

Sound was used to attract and address our audience by our soundtrack and the non digetic gun shots sounds. The soundtrack addresses our audience because they would have expected to hear the type of music similar to other crime drama (gangster) movies they've watched and attracts them because it is most likely the music they listen to, so will also enjoy it. The soundtrack is also a parallel sound which will tell them everything about the opening. The sound effects used were gun shots and will attract our audience because they will be expecting to hear as well as see it in the film.

Mise en scene was also used to address our audience, like the shot that showed graffiti which represents gang culture. It will also tell the audience a lot about the type of location it is and what else may be around and may attract them because they see it a lot in their areas. Positioning our characters within the frame was important so that the audience will get the correct impression of the characters, which were positioned at different areas so the audience will be thinking what they should be. For example in the low angle shot they were positioned in the centre, which shows they are the main focus.

We chose to stick with conventions of crime drama especially gangster crime dramas so that our target audience will know and enjoy it. However we also challenged the conventions by changing some of the conventions.
We ended our film by the antagonist being told that he murdered the protagonist who is his brother, which would of been a shock for the audience and so they would have enjoyed it because it is different and a rare ending.

In the film industry plenty of films are related to murder such as 'Four Brothers'(2005) and 'The Godfather' (1960-1990) so we looked at a couple of them to see how to use it.

Part of our main storyline involves things that have been shown in news most of the time such as gang murder, so we thought it would relate to people who have experienced it or understands it so they will know that the upbringing in different areas can change a persons identity, because the two brothers were the same before separated at a young age to live in different places.

We also drew on what the audience knew which is dirty and messy streets and therefore made the setting of our opening sequence familiar and realistic.

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