Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Thursday 31 December 2009

Evaluation- Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From our product I learnt quite a few things about media technologies which I didn't know during our preliminary task. For example I didn't know how to use the ‘Rycote Windshield System’ which I then used in the product including the editing software and camera.

My part in the product was sound in which I used numerous equipments which taught me all about it. We used the ‘Rycote Windshield System’ which helped me to pick up clear sound have clear sound. The best thing that I learnt about it was that I didn't need to put the battery inside and the hairy handy is only used while filming outside just in case it rains or snows.
Another piece of equipment that I used was the ‘Senncheiser K6 Headphone’ which was the good microphone because it picked every sound which was good so that the sound which wasn't needed was removed. The headphones that I used were called ‘Senncheiser HD 205’ which was used to pick sound and to make sure the sound levels were accurate. This was important to use while filming so I will hear unwanted sound and tell the cameraman to cut. 'XLR lead' was plugged in the camera in channel 1so that I could be able to hear.

Something changed while we did our product which was we didn't keep with the 'Digetic sound' of the vehicles and trains that went past but rather used a 'Non digetic sound' which was the soundtrack. From this I learnt that the sound you may not always turn out the way you want it and you can easily change your mind.

At first the whole sound equipment was difficult to operate until I kept on doing it then I found myself setting it up with ease. Other things I learnt was knowing how to handle and look after the equipment properly for example putting the lacy tape around the wires so that it doesn't get tangled up and putting the stick down on the floor rather than leaning it against the wall so that nobody will trip over it. I was also told not to leave it unattended so that it doesn't get stolen.

I also learnt a few things about the 'Cannon XH A1' for example how to take certain shots and angles in which I saw Astijus do who operated on the camera. This camera is really expensive and so before we did the task I thought what was the point in using it when there are so much cheaper cameras to use until we used it and then I knew that the Cannon XH A1 carries high definition meaning the best quality of images. When the camera was used it was placed on the tripod so that we could get still shots and so the camera wouldn't be moving around. The camera was also clipped on the tripod for safety reasons so that we don't trip over and break it and so we can put it in the correct height that we are.

'Adobe Premiere' was used to connect our film and edit it. On the premiere we were able to put our shots, sound and everything else that we recorded onto it and make some changes. To make all this happen a 'Lacie' was plugged into the hard drive and then the camera onto the hard drive. Using the Adobe premiere helped me a lot because before I wasn't good at using it but I watched Astijus and Dhara and so learned.

During our editing process certain things were used to make our film much better and interesting. One of these was the music used. The soundtrack used was at the perfect pace and rhythm and needed no editing. Title and credits was also edited which included the colour, fonts and style. We kept on changing these so that we will see which ones are best suited to our film and which ones stand out, as well as still, crawl & roll. The razor tool was used to cut out unnecessary things that were in our shots. The technology helped us achieve our effects due to there was so many types of effects to choose from and so we used multiple of choice to make it more attractive. Although the Abode premiere went well we did face some problems with the soundtrack as when we saved it and went of it wasn't there any more. But later we managed to save it automatically.

We had faced problems while on the Adobe Premiere many of which was digitizing. Digitizing is collecting all the shots from the camera and stored on the software. The problems we faced were that we didn't take enough safety shots when making are opening sequence and it became slower than we thought it would. However we learnt how to create credits making it faster by pulling the duration of the shots.

What I learnt from the technologies from the process is that they are all very important in order to make your opening sequence fantastic. You need the Windshield System for collecting good sound and witnessing bad ones, the Cannon XHA1 for collecting high quality images and the Adobe Premiere for editing cutting shots. The standout key for me is the editing part because I learnt more than I thought I would have learnt which was how to get & create the design, fonts & colour as well as making the duration of the shots longer. Skills I picked up were being able to use all the technologies correctly and putting them back the way they were.

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